Married... With Children - If I Were a Rich Man

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Married... With Children - Season 2 - Episode 03 - If I Were a Rich Man

About this "Married... With Children" episode:
Married... With Children - "If I Were a Rich Man" is the 3rd episode of season 2 and number 16 overall in the series.
Steve, who has just received a big promotion, asks Al to give him a ride home from the bank one night. Before they leave, Al convinces him to join him in playing with the contents of the vault, which proves to be a big mistake when Steve discovers a million dollars worth of security bonds are missing the next day.
Peggy and the kids assume that Al stole the money so they can be rich. 


  1. This is the wrong episode. This is 2, but it should be 3.

    1. Don't use the 1st source it's episode 2 season 2 not episode 3.

  2. Don't use the 1st source it's episode 2 season 2 not episode 3.

  3. Whatever
    Thanks for sharing though

  4. Back in 1987, Gold was around 450 bucks, now, at the time of this writing, it's 2300 bucks
    Jesus Christ we've been conned by nixon
